Universal Peace Federation hosts One Million Rally of Hope Philippines
The Universal Peace Federation (UPF), an NGO holding general consultative status
with the United Nations, will conduct the One Million Rally of Hope Philippines
this weekend.
The event will be virtual and is a call for collective prayers for
greater hope, peace and solidarity during these dire times.The program is from
3:00-5:00PM (Manila standard time) on Saturday, February 6th. The theme is“One
Million People Praying for the Healing of the Nation and the World.” The
February 6th Rally of Hope is special insofar as it will gather millions of
Filipinos and citizens from around the world online in an interfaith gathering
to collectively pray for the healing of the world from the COVID-19 pandemic,
raise awareness for the healing of Mother Earth and address climate change
issues and for the healing of humanity from divisions to bring about a world of
lasting peace for the sake of the future generations. This event aims also to
call on the people to unite in sustaining the help for all the families and
communities displaced by the various calamities that swept our nation.
an online campaign, we intend to rally for more support in order for the
typhoon-affected communities to rise again. Another project that will be
highlighted in this online event is the campaign to support the “Billion Tree
Planting and Growing Project” to be done in partnership with the national and
local government units. A consistent sub-theme of all four Rally of Hope events,
as well as UPF’s World Summit series, is that of interdependence, mutual
prosperity and universal values. Respectively, it means an economy of parity
shared interdependently, a governing system that is transparent and
participatory, and a common set values based on the extended family.
UPF is
committed to abolishing racial discrimination, eradicating poverty and
starvation, and ending religious conflict. Featured speakers include:
• Hon.
Jose De Venecia, Jr., Five- Time Speaker of the House, House of Representatives,
Philippines(1992-1998, 2001-2008)
• H.E. Megawati Soekarnoputri – The 5th
President of the Republic of Indonesia
• H.E. SitivenieLigamamadaRabuka- Prime
Minister, Republic of Fiji (1992-1999)
• H.E. Angelika HalaevaluMatt'aahoNapua-
O - Kalani Tuku'aho – Princess of the Kingdom of Tonga The co-founder of UPF,
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, rightly called the Mother of Peace has been a featured
speaker at all Rally of Hope events including this one.
The youth creativity and
dynamism will also be featured in a segment called S!NERGY which is a speech
competition of students. The winner of the recent Asia Pacific S!NERGY
competition organized by the International Association of Youth and Students for
Peace, will take part in the online event.
In addition to featuring prominent
global leaders, there will be world-class entertaintent from Mr.. Jed Madela, 4th
Impact, Ms.Gerphil Flores,Reo Brothers, Baliktanaw Dance Company and the
Philippine Meistersingers. Messages of hope from famous personalities will also
be featured in the online event. The Universal Peace Federation and its global
network of Ambassadors for Peace apply moral andspiritual principles to the
tasks of resolving conflict and reconciling the divided human family. TheUPF’s
global network is one of the world's largest and most diverse networks of peace
leaders whocome from all walks of life, representing many races, religions,
nationalities, and cultures.
The event will be televised and livestreamed by the
flagship government station, PTV4. There will also be livestreaming in various
social media platforms.
The public may register to attend the rally live at:
Or in the event’s official FB page:
For more information please contact: Ms. Ria Ame
One Million Rally of Hope Philippines Media Coordinator E-mail:
UPF is an NGO in General Consultative Status with
the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations 32 Samar Avenue, South
Triangle, Diliman, Quezon CityTelephone number: (63)(2)924 1833 Website:
www.upf.orgEmail: upf.southeastasia@gmail.com
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